I bought the bonsai in blue Bandung in 2004. I drove my own car accompanied by body. When arrived, I see numerous slim and raw bonsai. Some were good, but several were with the sole purpose raw bonsai. Then the administrator welcome us to see his farm, which had raw tree constituted in grease and polybags. Some of them were ingrained from seeds, graftings, and natures.
In his sheep farm I saw a Kaliandar Variegata whose flowers were red, like timber ligneous plant flowers and I sought to buy it. Unfortunately, the property owner didn't go because he aforesaid it will die if dug in dry season. I was reasonably confused, since the ligneous plant was 2 meter distance from the ground and had so many saplings. Why didn't he segregated them and deep-rooted in pots or polybags to be sold. I assume the tree was good, because it had wan patterned leaves that terribly contrast positive red flowers. I design it will inveigle so umpteen population to buy.
When we were talking, he mentioned going on for Ficus Glomerata Variegata whose potent was not peachy. I was interested to cognise more than because I was interested in collecting pink vegetation particularly that could be created as bonsai. When I saw the plant, it was lone planted in polybag using unhulled paddy (paddy plants /rice that are hulled and after broken up from the stalks) as media. It was put in the core of greater trees, so in that was prospect activity activity could not be realised. Sunshine was as well not than one hour, and in that were so masses branches were not cut in the less situation that ready-made the variegata missing. I feel that were the factors.
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After I bought and took it home, I did the repotting: 1 division terracotta 2 part of the pack chemical 1 sector Malang sand (any soil interpreted from volcanoes). Before the substances intermingled in pot, the bottom should be put device to slam the den. On the filter put leprose soil (2-3 mm), later softer sand (1 mm), and goat compost (mixed with unhulled paddy) next to comparison 1:1. Cut all the branches, leaves with the park and variegata from the plant material. After that, actuation the ligneous plant from its polybag, wipe up the soil, and cut and the large condition. Finally, put the woody plant in the pot, do watering, and support in mirky lay. Put in a set down next to 2 60 minutes morning sun once the tree grows new buds. After having umpteen variegata leaves, loaded dry in the sun. When the ligneous plant burgeon untried leaves, cut in a jiffy.
The proceed after 6 months, the ligneous plant became so fertilizable and best. So I started to spatial property it with Slanting Style. After 2 years with appropriate nursery, it became 80% qualified bonsai. I unbroken doing the intensive exactness for the end of connection National Bonsai Competition.
One day nearby was a tree soul outdoor Bandung capital came to my locate to see bonsai. When he saw the Ficus Glomerata Variegata, he was so impressed and longing for to buy it. I buried his feeling, because I had of all time the aforesaid experiences once I desirable to buy hot and uncommon bonsai woody plant. After he did whatever remarkably polite offer, I sold the woody plant. Why? Because I had the saplings from antecedent graftings, so I nonmoving could have the said trees. I cloth paradisaic because in attendance was a organism who treasured my activity from the selfsame interest.
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And that's the full-page legend and submit yourself to roughly how to do repotting and complex tree near the substances made specially for the Ficus Glomerata Variegata. I anticipation my reports could pass sympathetic sign for you, the worldwide tree devotees. Thank you and see you in the adjacent diary about Black Pine tree. Please endow with many input through with the journal or email to . Thank you.